Hurricane Helene Recovery – Transylvania County and Beyond

Across Western North Carolina Rotarians are working together and with many other organizations to provide assistance and support for individuals and businesses in the aftermath of Hurricane Helene on September 27, 2024. Work continues and Rotarians continue to join in. On November 16, Youth Services Chair, Rik Emaus, was joined by a group of Brevard High School students, members of the Rotary Interact Club, to assist in a Rotary District 7670 project in Hot Springs, NC. From Guy Gooder, District Community Services Chair: “There are two halls in Hot Springs that need work. Chestnut and Pine Hall are side by side in downtown Hot Springs and have sustained damage from the flooding… These halls are very important to the Hot Springs community as they are used to host holiday events such as Toys for Tots. The service project will be from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. lunch will be provided. Work will include removing sand and debris from riverwalk and parking area. Reinstalling venue flooring squares and putting down new flooring underlayment. Repairing and moving sundeck on riverwalk area. No tools will be required just work gloves and proper work attire.” Thank you Guy, Rik, Interactors and all!
Thank you Rotarian Lynn Bartosh for the watercolor design of our
“Stronger than the Storm” Logo! Yes!
Rik and Team Members – thank you!